Next, retry downloading from the AppStore. In case the download is paused repeatedly, find the file named “Install MacOS 10.13” on your hard drive, and move it to the Trash. Try to download the High Sierra installation file from the AppStore once again. Second, it is recommended you switch from Wi-Fi to Ethernet cable to ensure you won’t lose the internet connection. If this is the case, retry the download later. First, there may be too many High Sierra download attempts happening simultaneously.
These error messages can appear for several reasons. That content can’t be downloaded at this time. Installation requires downloading important content.
Another common error message is “Installation of macOS could not continue. Sometimes the download pauses, or even fails, displaying an error message that says “macOS High Sierra download has failed”. There’s a chance Mac users can get stuck at the very first step. Let's find out how to avoid these common mishaps. You might have a need to install it but many users report problems they encountered while doing it. MacOS 10.13 High Sierra was released in September 2017.